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When you have a business, whether it’s online or offline, one of the things that you need to figure out is how you’re going to get more people to find out about your business, and how to get them to want to work with you.

Getting in front of your ideal audience is now becoming more of a challenge since the competition is becoming greater, but the good side of this is that if you’re putting great material out there and are able to market yourself in a way that really resonates with people, then you don’t have to worry about competition at all.

One of the best ways to market your business and to bring people to you instead of constantly having to chase clients and leads for your business is by blogging, and in this post we’re going to share with you exactly why having a blog is important for your business if you want to grow it.

It builds trust and credibility.

When you start a blog for your business, one of the things that you’re going to be doing is writing on topics that you know a lot about, so for example, if you run a business in the fitness industry where you’re going to be sharing tips and tricks with people on things like nutrition, exercise routines, and different things around general health and fitness, this helps you build-up authority and also gives you trust and credibility with your audience, which is a great thing to have because people buy from people who they trust. Once you have trust with your audience, then as long as you keep bringing great consistent content that you’re sharing with them and that they are used to getting from you, then it’s less likely that they’re going to start looking for alternatives and want to work with you.

It’s great for increasing traffic.

Of course having a blog is great, but if you’re not generating traffic to your blog then it’s pretty much like going into a room with nobody in it and speaking and hoping that someone will listen – you need to get your content in front of people, and  the way that you do this is through getting traffic to your blog. There are various ways that you can do this, such as social media, Adwords automation for small business, or even collaborating with other blog owners who will allow you to post links on their site and have people come back to your blog. Generating traffic for your blog is one of the most important aspects of this, and to be able to come up with a clear plan on how to bring traffic back to your site in an organic and non sleazy way then you’re really going to see that a blog starts making a difference for your business.

You’ll build up a pool of content.

Of course, when you start out blogging, you’re going to be typically doing maybe 1-2 posts per week, and in the beginning this probably won’t seem like much, but after a while you’re going to notice that you have a steady stream of content, and this content can be used for other things, such as repurposing, sharing on social media, and recycling so that you can keep generating more and more traffic to your blog as it grows. Many people have also done things like turned their blog posts into small digital products that they can sell for passive income such as ebooks, guides and even templates and scripts depending on what their business is.

This is a contributed post.

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