There are so many things that you need to think about when you are starting up your own startup, and one of the most important is always going to be the tax. As long as you get this right, it is going to mean that you are much more likely to be in a strong financial position far into the future.

That is obviously going to have a lot of positive knock-on effects too. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the best ways to get into a good tax position with your startup right away.

Choose The Right Structure

The actual legal structure of your business is one of the most central points here, and you need to ensure that you are not overlooking it at all. A lot of people can get quite confused about this, but it’s relatively simple once you look into the details of it. Basically, different structures have different meanings when it comes to tax, and some of them are likely to be more beneficial to you than others. You need to look into the differences and ensure that you are picking the right one for your needs.

Claim Tax Credits

It’s always good to remember that there are a surprising number of tax credits that businesses can claim, and if you are not claiming these you are going to be much less likely to be in a strong financial position on the whole.

It’s worth looking into, and there are many situations when you might be able to claim credits of different amounts and kinds. For instance, if you are creating products you might be able to claim r&d tax credits as part of that process. Make sure you are claiming everything you are entitled to.

Avoid Double Taxation

If you are not careful about how you are recording everything in terms of your earnings, you might be in a position where you accidentally pay double tax on something, or sometimes even more than double. Clearly, this can be a problem in the long-term, so you need to ensure that you are avoiding this wherever possible.

The best way is to hire an accountant and have them check over everything at the start and as you go. That is going to make a huge difference to whether or not you pay too much tax.

Plan Ahead

In order to avoid getting caught out in the future with any of these issues or anything else, you need to make a point of planning ahead. The more you plan ahead, the more likely it is going to be that you are avoiding those kinds of problems, so this is really something that you will want to think about as early as possible.

Having a good plan in place is going to help you out in the long run in a big way, and it is a relatively simple thing for you to make use of at the very beginning.

This is a contributed post.

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