Generating trust is important, as the more trust customers have in your brand, the more likely they are to buy from you. You will do much to distance yourself from the competition too. As a new startup owner, there is much you can do to generate trust quickly, which is good news when you’re fighting your more established rivals for a share of the marketplace. 

1: Focus on your website

A well-designed website will automatically generate trust, not only because of its aesthetics but because of its functionality too. For this reason, unless you have the competence levels needed, we recommend hiring a web designer. This is better than cobbling something together yourself, as in all aspects, your website needs to make an excellent first impression on your potential customers. Aesthetics and functionality aren’t the only trust-builders on a website. You need to make sure it is HTTPS secure as well, as this is one way to give your customers better peace of mind. Adding testimonials is another way to build trust, so ask customers to provide these when it is appropriate to do so.

2: Reach out to a PR firm

New businesses can struggle during the first few months of existence and this is for one simple reason. People haven’t heard of them! However, this is where public relations firms can help. Alongside your marketing efforts, a PR firm will generate good word about your business in the media, ensuring people quickly get to hear positive things about your startup.

3: Take steps to go green

There are all kinds of reasons to go green. As we discussed in a previous article, your business can save money. You will also position yourself ahead of the competition if they haven’t taken greener measures. And you will do much to win the trust of customers who are looking to buy from an ethical business. So, at the outset, take steps to ‘green up’ your business. Buy your merchandise from a green supplier. Use eco-friendly packing materials. And find ways to run a paperless office. These are just a few ideas but come up with a few of your own. When you have green measures in place, highlight them on your website so your customers know what steps you have taken to protect the environment.

4: Get your customer service right

To succeed in business, you need to generate excellent word of mouth from your customers. For this reason, you need to get your customer service right. Any mistakes during those early days could be enough to harm your reputation before you have even started, so put the necessary measures in place. Book customer service training for both you and your employees. Incorporate live chat and a CRM system to improve communication with your customers. And take these other steps to make customers fall in love with your business


Many startups struggle to survive during their first year of business and many close their doors soon after. Avoid this pitfall by generating customer trust. By doing so, you will benefit from return customers, and through their word of mouth, bring in new business for your fledgling startup.

This is a contributed post.

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