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Online security is more important than ever. Cybercriminals are getting smarter, and no business is safe. While you might associate hacking scandals with larger businesses, small businesses and startups are also potential targets. 

The problems that can come with a data breach aren’t worth thinking about. Not only is there a financial risk, but you risk losing the trust of your customers and lose time trying to put things right.

Take a look at the following tips for securing your startup online; it matters more than you think. 

Bring in the experts

Running a startup often means taking up multiple roles. While this can be efficient until you’re in a position to hire more employees, it can also lead to mistakes. Being overworked and overstretched can lead to stress, which you don’t need with a new business venture.

One area that’s worth outsourcing is your IT services. Using an IT staffing company can help ensure you’ve got the right people on board to secure your systems and handle problems as they arise. Whether you need help setting up or ongoing management of your IT services, outsourcing could be the best solution for your startup.

Train your staff

Everyone thinks they’re a technology expert these days. But most of the time, data breaches and IT problems are caused by human error. One way to combat this is to provide your employees with effective training. Getting your staff to take cybersecurity seriously will make them think twice before carrying out different actions online, as well as make them more vigilant. Be aware that new security risks develop all the time, so it’s important to monitor the latest developments and update guidance and training as appropriate.

Be strict

Setting IT rules for your startup will help get everyone off to the right start. From rules about password changes to making sure all data is stored in a secure place, you can improve your cybersecurity from the inside. Many companies ask staff to sign a declaration accepting the IT rules and guidelines, being aware of the penalties of any deliberate attempts to break them. 

Don’t forget about mobile tech

As well as the tech that sits within your office, you also need to think about your mobile technology. Many workers check emails on their phones or home computers, as well as carry out other tasks. You’ll need to make sure these products are insured in case of theft or loss. Put guidance and protocols in place to help your startup’s data stay safe, even when you’re out of the office.

Your startup’s online security needs to be taken seriously. From protecting your customers’ data to preventing your internal systems from shutting down, there are multiple things that need doing to keep your startup secure. When protecting your business, your online security matters, so make sure you’ve got all of the necessary protection in place so that you can focus on getting your startup off the ground.

This is a contributed post.

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