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Most cyber attackers target small businesses. The main reason for this is because they know that they have data that is worth stealing but they don’t have the right security in place to safeguard against them.

Know Your Enemy

Threats to your company can take place in a number of different forms. You may find that people have unauthorized access to your mobile, your computer or anything else of the sort.

You may also find that they are able to access information that might be held by third-party vendors too, and this can really put you at risk even more. If you want to help your company here, then you need to work hard to identify any potential entry points or even weaknesses.

Plan Ahead

If you run a smaller business, then you need to have a systematic approach to your security. If you don’t then you may find that you end up not knowing what you need to improve or even if you need any outside help.

One way for you to protect yourself here would be for you to review any changes that you make to your business as they happen, and to also make sure that you plan ahead as much as possible.

Prevent and Detect

Anti-virus solutions and even web browsers should always be up to date. If they aren’t then this could really make it hard for you to protect your company and you may even be putting yourself at even more risk of malware too. Your networks should also be protected too because this will provide any criminal with a gateway to your company and this is the last thing that you want when you are trying to lock things down. If you need some help here, then a good IT company should be handle it all for you.

Get Physical

You have to remember that cyber threats don’t just happen online. Sometimes they are introduced by someone within the company or even by a third party. Therefore it is super important that you restrict staff and any unauthorized access.

Items should be kept physically secure and you should also restrict the use of any removable media too. If you don’t then you may find that you introduce viruses directly to your system and this can really go against your company and the security measures that you have in place.

Create A Cyber Culture

People are often the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. For this reason, it helps to make sure that your staff are trained and that they are also aware of the steps they need to take when changing passwords or even writing down sensitive data.

Leading by example is key here because if you don’t then you may find that you expose yourself to way more cyberattacks than required. If you want to take things to that next level then you need to make sure that you ask your team to change their password every 6 months and that you also encourage them to be mindful. It also helps to chat with them and to ask them to work with one another so that a community environment can be created.

This is a contributed post.

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