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There are a ton of things that make your business run like clockwork, and up until recently you might have felt like it was just you. You had to do absolutely everything to run your business, and you’re the one who has made it grow.

But there comes a point where you simply can’t handle the pressure of the business on your own, and you have to bring in an employee to help run things with you.

Before you know it, you need another.

It’s the natural process of a growing and thriving business, and if you’ve got yours to the point where you are needing to hire more than just one or two employees, then you’re going to need some help. Although you won’t have the pressure of the weight of your business to handle, you will have a new pressure of trying to run a team of people.

The Perfect Start

The interview process might be perfect, and they might hire with all of the promises in the world, but when the employee is actually hired, everything seemed to fall through. So many of them are left without any real support or training…

You don’t want to be that company, and there is software out there that can help you integrate your employees into your company, such as ELMO onboarding or Zenefits.

Better Management Techniques

Management is essential, yet when you haven’t really had to manage a team before, it might not be something that comes naturally. So what you need to think about, is getting the balance between strict and supportive management.

Become too relaxed, and your employees may take advantage of you. Become too strict, and your employees will resent you. Either way, the working environment won’t be as productive as it should be.

Find the right balance of being the person that they can come to you when they need a hand, but also the authority figure that they’re going to respect.

Always Think About Progression

Progression is the one thing that employees are going to be looking for, and the one thing that companies seem to promise but never provide. So think about setting up a progression package for them to follow. Even if it be a small pay raise, rather than an actual progression through roles to begin with.

This is a contributed post.

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