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Moving to a new office space is just as big as moving into a new home. You may have big bulky furniture, and you might even have electricals that need to be packed up properly as well. If you are not careful then you may find that you end up with breakages and other costly mistakes and this is the last thing that you need.

Start Planning as Early as you Can

You should never try and wing it when it comes to your new office space. You have to make sure that you start planning early and that everyone knows what they are doing too. If you don’t then you may not end up getting everything done and this is the last thing that you need.

If you want to help yourself here, then you need to have a blueprint of your new space so that you can find out where everything is going to go. This will help you to plan everything effectively and it will also help you to package things in the right order.

For example, if you are going to have your servers at the back then it helps to move these first so that you don’t have to worry about carrying them past a ton of boxes and bags that just don’t need to be unpacked right now.

Appoint a Moving Manager

Even if you are going to be dividing up all of the work, you still do need to make sure that you have a moving manager. When you do, you can then count on them to follow each step and they can also make sure that things are progressing as they should. You could try and appoint an administrative assistant or even someone who has experience with relocations. You should also try and hire a moving company as well, as they will have insurance that will cover you for just about anything you need.

Don’t Forget IT

One of the biggest complications that usually arise when you move into a new space would be trying to disconnect all of your IT before reconnecting it all again. As soon as you are aware of the date of your move, you need to ask your IT department to see if they can draft a plan for all of your technical equipment. This could include your computers, servers, data plans and more. Remember that this is a big job so you need to work on it as early as you can.

Look up Building Rules

If your company doesn’t own the building that you are moving into, or out of then you will need to get a full and complete breakdown of the rules regarding your relocation. In some instances you may find that you are only allowed to relocate during your business hours or even that you need to put in a request so that you can use the bigger elevator. Either way, the sooner you can sort this out, the better you’ll be.

This is a contributed post.

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