Press releases have played a pivotal role in public relations for decades now. We’re used to seeing companies releasing these press releases when they have big news or when they have high level announcements to give to the public. Press releases are quintessential part of media relations for a business, too, and they are the go-to tool for a moment of crisis or change. 

If your business isn’t using this important marketing tool, then FATJOE’s guide on writing a press release could give you the help you need to see why they’re an important thing for your business to use – now. Digital media is taking over, as you know, and that means that you need to have a tool that can offer a deeper and broader impact on your business. With this in mind, here is why you need to use press releases to maximize your business where you can. 

  1. You will be able to get your news out to the right people. If you want a bigger audience for your business news then a press release is going to help you to get your news out there and extend your reach. Press releases offer you the potential that you need to reach a wider business audience and that can go global, not just national or international. That’s the power of words with media press releases like this!
  2. It’s reliably long-term. Press releases that are published on digital media don’t go away. As with anything that goes on the internet, it doesn’t go away even if you delete it. If you choose to put together a press release, you have to make sure that you put out something you would always want to see online. Future clients and customers will find the press release one day, too, and they will be able to learn more about how your business works just from that – and that’s an unmissable opportunity. 
  3. People will always be able to find it. Press releases that are loaded to your website and online will be searchable for years to come. Instead of people having to browse the archives for information, they will be more than capable of taking advantage of your site and the press releases you once put out there. This will increase the chances that your readers have to search and find your news stories without issue.
  4. Press releases can be easily shared. Now that press releases are digital, they can be shared easily and passed on without issue. This means that you don’t have to waste paper trying to print old press releases only to end up with them lining the trashcans of tomorrow. Now that you can just add them to the bottom of your email, you can easily share them on and you can add them to social media, too.
  5. You’ll really give your marketing strategy a boost. If you want to boost your marketing offering, then you need press releases to boost your SEO. You can pack them with the right SEO keywords to ensure that you gain the right traffic for your website. This will give you the motivation that you need to keep those press releases and big company announcements coming. You prove yourself as an outlet that carries authority and you can ensure that you get your website rankings and analytics through the roof as a result.
  6. It’s an easier way to market without all the costs. Marketing can be expensive, especially depending on your strategy. If you ensure that you are indulging in press releases for your business, you’re going to be able to invest in low cost marketing options that offer free media publicity for your business. You will also have measurable results and you can use these for the future of your business. From here, you can work on your brand visibility and ramp up your other marketing information from the strategy. This will help you to improve in your business and how you can offer more to your customers.
  7. You can manage your own digital reputation. Your press releases are designed to make you and your business look good and they have long been known for their absolute importance in a business. A simple press release laid out a certain way can change the way your business looks for good. News travels fast and while bad news always sells, exposure in any way is a good thing. It’s important that your press releases are carefully written and crafted by the best if you want to be the best in your industry.

This is a contributed post.

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