Customers want to know how their products are made from start to finish. It’s not just a source of entertainment, but it’s educational and it matters. It matters because the culture of consumerism has rapidly changed. People are much more concerned about how their products are made. They will no longer support brands that use harmful materials, don’t help in the climate change effort and abuse their workforce. So, showing customers how your product came into being, is a great way to answer all their questions and also make it entertaining. Here’s how to make a video marketing ad for your new product.

The drawing room

When a product begins its life, it’s just an idea. It’s in someone’s head. So how do you highlight this? First, hire a video production company and talk to them about how one of your previous products began. Maybe an employee had a great thought, took it to her manager and the manager brought it up in a boardroom meeting. The video company will begin with giving you the option of zooming in to a worker at her desk, and something occurred which gave her that spark for a new idea. Then the viewer could be shown her and her manager speaking in the lobby of the office or on the elevator. The ad can then switch to the whiteboard in the executive boardroom where a drawing of her idea is being made.

Creating a product

Products are first made into prototypes so the executive board can test them and see how the business could market it and compare it to rival products. So how would you show this in your ad? Talk to the video company about the process that happened with one of your previous products. Maybe the first thing you did was to select the material, perhaps put each material through a virtual test in a program. Speak to the design employees and see if they could add to the video ad by going through the previous stages and see how they could be shown in the journey.

Going to the market

Customers want to know how their product came to the market. This could involve how the product was packaged, how it was stored, shipped and then delivered to their door. So all of these things need to be covered. Can you work with your freight company to show how they operate and what kind of processes they have that makes it all work? You could also show the ratings of the product occurring online, which could hint new customer purchases to go onto your website or whichever ecommerce website they bought your product from, and give it a rating. 

It’s all up to you how you show your product’s journey. Customers need to know that you are conscious of the culture at present, so be sure to make a big deal of your business’ ethics in material choice, worker environment and helping climate change causes.

This is a contributed post.

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