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I had a goal this year.  A simple, yet powerful goal that would help me relax and unwind, yet also get excited and grow.  It would enrich my life and help build my businesses bigger and string.

I wanted to read one book a month.  If I could accomplish this herculean task, then my stretch goal would be to read two.  If I could get through two books a month, I’d go for broke and try to destroy my unread pile of 32 books.

The thought running through my head was “no way in hell.”

Even being a prolific reader, sometimes you put that stuff on hold for a bit.  My schedule was completely nuts all year long and it didn’t look like it would be getting any easier so I just didn’t think it would be possible.

But the fact remained:  I needed to read more.

The reasoning behind this was two fold:  Growth and relaxation.

Watching TV to unwind never really worked for me.  I’d end up vegging out with for a few hours and feel more exhausted, but unable to sleep well.  There was no relaxation there.

If I felt stressed before TV, I’d feel stress after TV.

So setting my ambitions to read more, I did just that.

I read more.  A lot more.

In total, I ended up reading 103 books.

Fiction and non-fiction.  How-to, sci-fi, fantasy, philosophy, biography, theory and classics were all read through at a feverish pace this year.

In reading so much, there were definitely some lessons learned outside of the front and back cover’s of all the books.

Here’s what I learned:

Reading Is Like Exercising

The more you do it, the easier it gets.  It’s a skill. Hone it.  Eventually, you’ll read faster and faster and retain it all.  No more re-reading the same page when you get distracted.  You either won’t get distracted, or you won’t forget what was on that page.

It’s Easier To Focus

An unexpected benefit that came from all this reading is my ability to focus.  I guess focus is like an exercise too, because its kind of easy for me now.

If there’s a task that demands my attention, it’s easier to get into “the zone” and focus as hard as I need to.

Audiobooks Count

I avoided audiobooks for the longest time.  They seemed like “cheating” or something. After some convincing from friends, I finally gave in.

Wow, was I wrong.

It turns out you can retain just as much from audio books as print books.  Even when playing back at 2X speed.

I still love an actual printed book, but audiobooks are a big part of my rotation.  I suggest you get in on that as well.

Take Notes

It helps remember the important things.  Even if you never read the notes again, you’ll commit them to memory when you write it down. 

Variety Matters

Don’t just read the same thing, as there’s not much new to be said.  You’re really looking for one or two great takeaways that you can use to improve your business and life right away.

There Are Common Themes Across Everything

Biographies, entrepreneurship, business, fiction, etc. You’ll be surprised by what you see in common amongst books.

Many of the lessons found in a biography of a historical figure are found in that hot business book from last year, or as a moral from a great fiction from fifty years ago.  There are only so many new ideas or concepts in this world, so it makes sense that common themes can float across the pages of different books.

It Only Takes ONE Insight

You can read ten books on building a business, and each one has its own point to make.  A unique perspective trying to solve the same problem.  A different way to say the same thing.

If you can read each one, read each one and find the one or two things in each book that stop you in your tracks and immediately apply them to your life.

That’s what it’s all about.  Improvement.

Improvements in your life, your business and everything around you. 

Reading can help you get there.

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