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It’s no secret that the statistics for startup success make for grim reading. While it’s difficult to make waves in the world of business, it’s not impossible. Here are some essential steps to take to maximize the chances of beating the odds. 

1. Research the market

This is the holy grail of startup commandments. Before you launch any venture, it’s critical to make sure you understand the market, you know who you’re up against and you have an ideal buyer in mind. Learn about your competitors, take the time to get to know potential customers, and focus on creating and up-selling a USP that sets you apart.

Your business plan should contain the answers to questions that would be posed by potential investors or buyers.

  • How much are you going to sell products for?
  • What is the mark-up?
  • How much profit do you plan to make in the first year, the third year, or the fifth year?
  • Who are you selling to, and how are you going to reach out to them?

Make sure you have all the answers before you proceed any further. 

2. Invest in the best tools and technology

Tools and technology play an increasingly integral role in modern business. As a startup owner, it’s not always viable to invest in the very best systems, machinery or gadgets, but it’s worth exploring the best investments you can afford. From high-quality lifting points for your machinery, to cutting-edge software for sales teams, to the latest payment processors, or a social media posting tool, it pays to look into tools that could save you time and money, and help you outshine your rivals. 

3. Surround yourself with the right people

It’s rare for entrepreneurs to make it to the top without a team of people around them. If you’re looking to hire individuals to work for you, focus on finding the right people from the outset.

Look for employees that fit in with the company and brand ethos, as well as those who have the relevant qualifications and expertise. Interviews represent an excellent opportunity to get to know people, and they’re a lot more revealing than a paper application form or an online resume. Use the interview process to understand what makes the candidates tick and determine whether or not they are a good match for your business. 

4. Monitor progress continuously

Even if your startup gets off to a storming start, there’s never any room for complacency in business. Monitor your progress from day one, using methods such as analytics to measure the efficacy of marketing techniques and customer feedback to evaluate service and performance.

Set out clear objectives and use sales data and reviews to highlight potential areas of weakness and make improvements. It’s incredibly beneficial to be aware of the importance of impressing your customers, as more than 90% of consumers now read reviews before buying. A single negative rating could set you back.

Launching a successful business is not easy, but there are ways to beat the odds. Research the market, invest in the best technology and equipment you can afford, hire the best people for your brand and aim for continual improvement. 

This is a contributed post.

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