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Our planet is in desperate need of TLC. 

After decades over constructing huge buildings, toppling forests, and using fossil fuels – our planet is on the brink of a disaster unless we pull ourselves together and make a change. 

As entrepreneurs, we have a natural desire to learn, grow, and develop ourselves both personally and professionally, and this can also include us finding exciting ways to impact the wider world with our ideas. 

This is why, when you decide to start your own business in 2019, you should consider using your intellect and desire for success to also make a positive impact on the environment. Green startups are becoming more and more popular, and they cover a huge market over all industries. 

For example, you could work in the chemical and energy sector providing researchers with superior quality deuterium products for sustainable energy; provide a technological hub for the home which allows you to control your sockets away from home, and even farm your own food to provide nutritional value to the world.

If you are just hopping onto the proverbial entrepreneurial train, you might need some inspiration to help you get started… 

1. Impossible Foods Inc.

Food is the most primal need for all life, and Impossible Foods can provide you with great quality ingredients without expending too much energy. Mass production and processing of food can often make a huge impact on the environment due to the energy used. This is why in 2011, this company way founded to put an end to the needless energy usage in food production. Now, you can enjoy a juicy burger and fresh produce without anywhere near the energy cost. 

2. Choose Energy

When most people think about green business, they immediately look at clean energy companies. However, not all of us can be Tony Stark, and creating a successful clean energy business can be difficult, to say the least. Choose Energy has had a huge impact on the energy industry in the last few years without becoming an energy provider themselves. Instead, they provide the means for customers to search out cheap, clean energy sources for a lower price than fossil fuels. This platform provides people with the chance to find a clean energy provider without the usual rig moral. Innovative in nature, this is a great example of a business who have taken advantage of a niche without becoming part of it themselves. 

3. Holganix

If you are passionate about the environment, one natural progression of thought when starting a business is to look to nature itself. Holganix has done exactly this, and this is a company who provides lawn care products without the harsh chemicals. Maintaining a lush green garden is something most of us try to do, but with dry spells and animals, it can be difficult to do and many   to using growth aids and chemicals to help sustain the lawn. Holganix has found a unique gap in the market, and have managed to exploit this by providing organic lawn care products which contain tiny microorganisms which boost growth by natural means. 

4. Elevate Structure

If your business dream is to head into real estate, Elevate Structure is a great company to gain some inspiration from. Since 2012, they have forged a strong business which seeks to provide sustainable housing for everyone on the market. During their time dominating the real estate market, they have managed to utilize space to create more housing via clean means, and this has had a positive impact on the carbon footprint of housing, as well as the cost.  

5. Solarkiosk

Germany is renowned for its engineering prowess, so it is no surprise that one of the most inspirational green startups hails from Berlin. Solarkiosk is a company who provide clever energy solutions for businesses. When running a business, the focus for many bosses isn’t how clean their energy source is, the focus is always price points. This is why Solarkiosk has put together a smart solution to guide businesses towards sustainable energy sources for a lower price. This allows businesses to get the best of both worlds and it could be a good niche to slip into in your own city this year.

6. WISErg

WISErg is a company that recognized a problem in our society, and have come up with a savvy way to fix it. Food waste is a big problem in the western world. As much as we try to use every ingredient in our shopping basket each week, there always seem to be some which slip through the net, and this creates a lot of food waste. To fix the issue of food waste for good, WISErg has devised a method to convert food waste into fertilizer for plants. If you are looking to give back to the environment in an impactful way, working in the food industry could be an exciting venture. 

There are so many unique opportunities in the world for us to take advantage of in 2019 and beyond. For all you entrepreneurs out there, consider diving into the world of green startups and you could forge a career like no other.

This is a contributed post.

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